Sarafina Then And Now New Look 2022
WHOOPI GOLDBERG who’s original name is CARYN ELAINE JOHNSON. She was born November 13, 1955, New York. She is an American comedian, actress, and producer known for her work in theatre, film and television shows. WHOOPI GOLDBERG eventually developed a TV show called,THE SPOOK SHOW. This is a one – woman stage show. Over the years she has been Noted, for the show, humour, satire and drama. Goldberg has performed through out the USA and EUROPE. These performances became global must watch. Lots of people knew this woman, from the heart touching movie called SARAFINA. A South African apartheid over a long time ago. From the time she featured in that movie, most of people call her saraafina mama.people mistakenly takes her to be a South African. After 20 + years past since that cast was pulled out. WHOOPI GOLDBERG has not changed much, only a few Grey hair here and there, as for the face it’s still the same. What an interesting woman. Know what you never new she is an American not south African. Check out how she looks, photos below